Tiedoksenne tuossa alla FIE:n tiedote liittyen kiellettyihin visiirimaskeihin ja perinteisten maskien floretin laajennettuun osuma-alueeseen. FIE lupaa korvata perinteisten maskien muutoskustannukset FIE-lisnessin haltijoille. Huomioikaa, että muutos tulee tehdä valmistajien toimesta.
---- Traditional foil mask bib
Dear Sir/Madam, Following the temporary prohibition of the use of the transparent mask in foil and epee we have been asked several questions regarding the traditional foil mask bib. The manufacturers have assured FIE that they will be able to provide these bibs (homologated by the FIE) and fasten them to those masks which do not have them. In order to ensure that the mask and bib are fitted perfectly and according to FIE rules and standards, this operation must be carried out by the manufacturer. The cost of each bib sold and fastened for any FIE licensed fencer (excluding any other expenses) will be paid by FIE to the manufacturer. Yours sincerely, Nathalie Rodriguez M.-H. Chief Executive Officer FIE
Lena Tallroth-Kock